Thursday, March 24, 2011

March & April Events

The next few weeks will be busy for our perfroming members. The weekend of 26-27 March brings a music workshop with Gina Forsyth on Saturday and on Sunday we perform in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, at Christ Episcopal Church. That performance is at 4pm.
The following weekend, on Saturday April 2nd, we are in the process of coordinating another Ceilidh Dance workshop for 1pm. We will review the dances from the last workshop and go on to learning some new ones. So far we have covered: The Gay Gordons, The Cumberland Reel, and Strip the Willow. There are more to come.
April 9th is our "invitation only" Whisky tasting fund raiser. If you would like to be invited call or e-mail us and we'll be sure you get the invitation and details.
Our last event for April (so far) is a performance in Hammond, Louisiana from 3-8pm in support of the "Arts in April" celebration. It's like a big block party with food, drink and entertainment. NOSRS is sponsored by our friend Keith Davis at The Violin Shop on Cate st. Pick your weekend, or weekends, and come by and see us, say hello and support these good causes that we are supporting.