Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Wrap-up

The New Orleans Strathspey & Reel Society has had an active April. On the 9th  we held our first 'Tartan Day" Whisky Tasting. We hope this will be, the first of many Whisky Tasting events. Our format was unusual in that we had no "experts" presenting the Whiskys. Our presenters were volunteers; ordinary whisky drinkers who enjoyed the whiskys that they presented. They took some time and explained to the assembled guests why they liked a particular whisky and what they though was unique or appealing about their selection. We had six volunteer presenters and they brought a wide range of tastes to the table ranging from a single cask Bourbon to the very peaty Islay malts. Between each tasting, the musicians of the Strathspey & Reel Society played tunes appropriate in some way to the whisky being presented. The event lasted from 4-7pm. The response from our guests was enthusiastically favorable and we have been encouraged to do this again in the fall.


On the 16th of April found us in Hammond, LA. We were playing for the city's "Arts in April" function at the request of the Violin Shop on N. Cate st. The performance was from 3-8pm and most of our musicians were able to make the trip. We set up under a tent canopy just outside the shop and enjoyed some fine weather and played a large portion of our current repertoire. These marathon events are always a challenge but they are a lot of fun too. 


Our next event, on May 14th, is a performance in support of "Art Spark" a celebration by the 100-year anniversary of the New Orleans Museum of Art. We were selected by the New Orleans Arts Council and will be playing behind the Museum, on the festival grounds, from 2:30-3:30pm


Check this space regularly for more updates to events and schedules.